How you are where you are

Posted: June 12, 2010 in Christianity, Culture, Life, Relationships, Religion
Football (Soccer) World Cup 2010 openning matc...

Image via Wikipedia

[09/06/2010 at 07:32 AM]

Ulrich: So Brett, what are you doing these holidays?

Brett: I’m actually going up to Namibia for Namrock worship weekend. I will also do some road tripping with my lovely wife and two friends of ours.

Ulrich: Sounds great, I am sure Namrock will be amazing!

Brett: Yeah can’t wait

Ulrich: Are you watching any of the Soccer World Cup matches?

Brett: Yeah on Friday a few of us are going to be heading into the K (Kayamandi township where I used to live) to catch the opening game. I’m not actually going to any of the games but definitely going to vibe SA style, how about you?

Ulrich: Great! I want to go to Soweto to watch a game there…

I am going to the Brazil v North Korea match…

Brett: Oh wow what a game, very nice. I kinda woke up a little late on the organising tickets thing, but will be supporting SA, I’m sure we can do it…

Ulrich: Oh well, there are many other ways to watch the soccer or spend one’s time these holidays. That brings me to the question: how to keep God the focus during the world cup/holidays… Many of us vibers have just come through a crazy time of exams or work where it is not so hard to realise that you need God… but what about now, when all seems to be going well… Any practical tips?

Brett: Yeah holidays can often be a time when people move away from God or attempt to kind of float along in neutral (which is actually impossible). So one of the solutions is creating a structure – for time with God, intentional hanging, worship, bible reading – it’s a relationship, so if you are not moving towards God you are moving away from Him and the way you will notice this first is probably getting caught up in temptations and sins that you would normally not struggle with. As with most things, be intentional.

Ulrich: Quiet times can become difficult, how about a suggestion of making a specific time in the day to have a quiet time, now that there is no structure…. Or, making a quiet time the first thing you do before you start “Ayobaing”…

Brett: Yeah exactly – it’s the big irony that now that you have more time you tend to spend less time with God – so maybe choosing to make the first thing you do when you get up time with God – or at least finding some specific time – will be a really good idea.

Ulrich: You mentioned intentional worship time, but worship can be using any of your gifts for God right? So how about taking time out to write/play music, do sport, just hang – dedicate that time/practice totally to God. Actually, how about dedicating your whole life to Christ…

Brett: Yeah it’s a focus and a lifestyle and exactly what you have just said – the holidays should actually free us up to do that stuff we just don’t find to time to do in the term time. It’s also the whole secular vs. spiritual discussion we’ve had a few times so we’re not talking about 8 hour quiet times but being intentional to bring God into or see God in everything you are doing whether watching soccer with friends or hanging out with church or whatever. It is how you are where you are – as a Christ follower have an absolute party, but don’t get drunk at the match kind of thing.

Ulrich: I find I get really busy in the holidays, hanging with friends, jumping with kids at holiday clubs, vibing and so on but… Many of the times my alone time with Jesus slips… Don’t you think sometimes we need to watch what activities we get involved in, they may seem good, but are actually not right for us where we are at…

Brett: We can get too busy, even with God stuff, again it’s about being intentional and planning beforehand and making sure we are energized and powered up to do the stuff we’re going to – we see how Jesus drew strength from time in prayer, going all night up the mountain, or moving to a quiet place to pray.

Ulrich: How you are where you are… yes!

Brett: Also, whom you are where you are – if you are a Jesus-follower at home and church then be one at the game and when you hang out with your friends as well.

Ulrich: Where is the story of Mary and Martha again… That would be a good story to read just to gain perspective…

Brett: I think it’s in the Bible Oreo

Ulrich: Thanks…

Brett: Luke 10.38-42 more specifically

Ulrich: Say you and I chill a lot in the holidays, and you are trying to keep God-focused and I’m being a mad munchkin doing all kinds of things which just don’t match up to the life I should be living, should you talk to me about it? As a friend, how do you go about that?

Brett: Yeah I think accountability is huge – the verse from proverbs “wounds from a friend can be trusted but an enemy multiplies kisses” is apt – if we really care about our friends then we will challenge them when they step out of line, as long as it is done in love which is sometimes a hard one to get right.

Ulrich: Yes, how do you get that right? Could it be possible that you are not the right friend to chat to me about that topic?

Brett: Just pull them aside and chat to them, be loving – if you have a good relationship with them it should be easier – in fact at the start of the holidays it might be a good idea to specifically seek out a strong Christ following friend of yours and choose to hold each other accountable so make the deal beforehand. It is good to head into the holidays knowing that someone who loves you has your back.

Ulrich: What about if you are going away with your family and you know you are going to struggle because you are the only Christian, etc.

Brett: Well then you are probably accessible on sms or mxit or something and can stay in touch with someone back home.

Ulrich: Mmm, that can still be hard… Accountability partners/friends only work if you are able to account in the tougher times…

Brett: Yeah totally, you just need to get creative and use what is available – I guess in that situation when you are cut off from people who could help then you could use a journal daily to kind of help keep yourself accountable, but maybe still have someone at home who is intentionally praying for you.

Ulrich: Ok, so share about future struggles you can see yourself having. Also, if you are intentionally quiet timing, your focus, even if a slow change, will start to become different.

Brett: Yeah identify your weakness and likely stumbling spots before hand and it will be easier to avoid those. [For those of you who have not been reading your bibles, why not pick a book to study for the holidays and read a chapter a day and meditate on it and what God is trying to say to you.]

Ulrich: If some vibers are looking for a new quiet time in the holidays, what Bible books/chapters could be cool options?

Brett: Maybe one of the shorter letters like Philippians or Ephesians and maybe one of the gospels as well – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John – get to know the story of Jesus again – be reminded of how He lived. Romans 12 is an amazing chapter though.

Ulrich: 1 Peter is also cool…

Brett: Yeah totally

Ulrich: Also, if you don’t really read the Bible, a good place to start would be Matthew.

Brett: Yea.

Ulrich: Enjoy the Soccer on Friday dude, WAKA WAKA!

Brett: Go South Africa! Cheers.

[08:16 AM]

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